last updated 12/12/2024
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this shit sucks donkey dick. it's characterized by the use of marxist language (ie. proletariat, class consciousness, socialist, etc.) in demeaning the original meaning of that language. substantively stalinism attempts revolution of one party over another, but instead of using the working class to achieve that goal, it substitutes it for some other group (ie. peasantry, lumpenproletariat, petit bourgeoisie) contrary to theses stated by marx, lenin, engels, and trotsky primarily. came about during the russian revolution firstly as a restless alliance of the dejected bourgeois elements in russia at the time with the marxist intelligensia with power in russia. with its figurehead, undermined the revolutionary movement of the day by transforming the government into a massive bureaucracy and such. seen popularly in vietnam, china, cuba, north korea, so on and so forth.